To my daughter, Kikiope, at 10

My adorable daughter,

How time flies! It looked like yesterday when I sat in front of the theatre with Mo Fatokun eagerly anticipating your arrival on that Wednesday. I had butterflies in my stomach even as I tried to look calm outwardly.

My knees were knocking and as I prayed under my breath, I felt sweat dropping from my brows.

My heart beat faster and I felt my hands suddenly become clammy. With every opening of the door, I got up to see what was happening.

As nurses ran helter-skelter, I tried to keep my emotions under control. After waiting for what seemed like centuries, a doctor stepped out to announce the good news of your arrival.

That date remains indelible in my mind. Oh, what a happy day! The bundle of joy we earnestly prayed for had arrived–after over eight years of waiting. After numerous consultations with various doctors. After visits to several hospitals. After innumerable tests.

After so many laying of hands. After pieces of advice from friends and people who truly meant well. After several inquisitive looks and some queer queries. And against all odds. Now, people will call me daddy.

Kikiope, you are an answer to prayer. You are proof that God never fails. And for this, your mother and I are irrevocably thankful to God for giving you to us. We accept our role as mere caretakers. We promise to raise you with the fear of the Lord.

I promise to be a role model and a father you will forever be proud of. I promise to be there for you when you need me. I promise to give you my back to ride on. I promise you we will play with sand. I promise I will be there to watch you sing in school.

I promise I will guide you as you make delicate choices in life. I promise to be your mentor and your friend.

The last 365 days have been the best of my life. Watching you wrapped in a little shawl and barely bigger than my palms, it gave me unparalleled joy watching you grow. The flutter of your eyelids brought great pleasure to me.

The way you suckled made me envy you (chuckle!). Your giggles made me go gaga. I couldn’t wait to come home every night to see you and carry you in my arms. Driving home every day from work became so much pleasure, all because of you.

In the early days, you wouldn’t sleep unless you were on my chest. And I wouldn’t sleep unless you had already slept. Your tenderness made me gentle. Your innocence made me simple. Your smile made me bright. Your cries brought tears to my heart.

I was there when your first set of teeth grew, two tiny pieces that you kept on trying on my fingers. I was there the first time you tried to sit down. I was there the first time you ate solid food. I was there the first time you crawled on all fours.

I was there the first time you struggled to stand up, holding delicately to my feet and wobbling from side to side. I was there the first time you called ba-ba. Your mum and I competed for your love but I always told her you are daddy’s girl.

You have my face, my smile, my nose and you sleep just like me. The only difference is–you are a better copy!

Kikiope, your life will continually be a source of praise and worship to God. Oluwanimisokan, God will always have you on His mind. Aridunnu, you will always be a source of joy to many people. Tamilore, God will make you a gift to this generation.

Oluwasinaayomi, doors will open for you. Priscilla, may God give you wisdom of the ancients. Anike, kings and queens will be your nursing fathers and mothers. Ayobola, wealth will crown your joy. Oluwaseunbabarafunmi, your eyes will behold wonders in the land of the living.

Morireoluwa, you will experience God’s goodness. Temiloluwa Toluwanimi, your life is forever consigned to God. You are His and He is yours.

My greatest height will be your starting point. You are free from everything that limited your forbears. You will never be stranded in life. You will experience peace and you will not know shame. Men and women will help you. The heavens will open over you.

The angels will fight for you. And God will be with you in Jesus’ name.

I love you so much. And help me thank your mum for being the best mum in the world to two babies at the same time–you and I.

Happy birthday. From the best daddy in the world.

(I wrote this for her 1st birthday on January 26, 2012. She’s 10 today and I’ve promised to share this every new decade of her life as long as I live. I read it to her yesterday and see the giggles ☺️).

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