5 Ways To Identify If You’re Lazy

It’s interesting to get God’s perspective on the subject of laziness. While many describe laziness as idleness or a lack of willingness to work, the Bible actually offers a much deeper perspective on laziness.

Proverbs 26:13–16 Amplified
The lazy person [who is self-indulgent and relies on lame excuses] says, “There is a lion in the road! A lion is in the open square [and if I go outside to work I will be killed]!” As the door turns on its hinges, So does the lazy person on his bed
[never getting out of it]. The lazy person buries his hand in the dish [losing opportunity after opportunity]; It wearies him to bring it back to his mouth. The lazy person is wiser in his own eyes than seven [sensible] men who can give a discreet answer.

So here are the five ways to identify lazy people. Check yourself against the mirror of the Word.

1. A lazy person relies on excuses

What excuses are you making for yourself?

‘If only I had a better-paying job, I’d be able to save.’

‘If only my master weren’t so wicked, maybe I’d do better.’

Anyone who reverts to excuses in order not to carry out a task is lazy. Sometimes, it’s mental laziness—the unwillingness to think or exert mental effort.

2. A lazy person is afraid of taking risks

Life and business operate on the basis of risk and reward. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. I learnt this lesson from a Lebanese customer a few years ago. When I asked him to share his plans for the new year with me, like I always do with my top clients at the beginning of every year, I was shocked when he told me he was shutting down his Lagos office and moving to Kano.

He runs a construction business, and I assumed he was doing quite well. This was pre-2015, when bombs were going off in Kano and other parts of the north. ‘Are you not afraid of the violence?’ I asked him. He laughed and told me something I will never forget. He said if a man stayed indoors in order to avoid risks, he would die someday, as death is inevitable. He then analysed the situation for me.

In Lagos, it rained for most of the months in the year. As a company involved in the construction of roads, he could not really work during the rains, yet he must pay salaries. However, rain was scarce up north, and he could work for many more months in the year.

In addition, the north had more roads to be rehabilitated or constructed than the south, and there was less competition because of the violence. He was willing to build in the cost of risk into his business.

Take calculated risks. Sometimes, you need to confront your fears and not be afraid of taking risks.

Are you risk-averse? Do you rely on excuses instead of taking responsibility to maximise the opportunities that life brings your way? Find out five ways to identify if you’re lazy Share on X

3. A lazy person prefers to stay in his comfort zone

The lazy person does not like inconvenience. If something is too hard, he would rather not venture into it. He doesn’t mind being on one spot for years, even when he’s hardly making any progress. He is just satisfied with his life the way it is. He has no ambition and does not aspire to anything greater than himself.

He doesn’t look up to anyone. He’ll rather stay on one job or role for 20 years than make a move that can take him out of his comfort zone. He mistakes docility for contentment.

4. A lazy person does not maximise opportunities that come his way

Everyone will have opportunities in life, but not everyone maximises those opportunities. A lazy person squanders opportunities. He is very wasteful with them, and nature punishes wasters. He doesn’t do anything with the opportunities that come his way until someone else grabs them. Nothing is more expensive than a wasted opportunity.

5. A lazy person does not listen to wise counsel

If you think you’re wiser than others and don’t take counsel easily, your problem may actually be laziness. Bowing to superior information and putting it to use requires a certain level of mental preparedness.

Your mind must be able to process information and dissect it in a way that results in a better outcome. A lazy person would rather listen to himself because accepting counsel from others is too much work for his mental capacity.

So, are you lazy?

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