Don’t Quit on Your Dreams. If You Fail, Try Again

Don’t Quit on Your Dreams. If You Fail, Try Again

I have failed many times, but this experience is one I will never forget. I was at 300 level in the university and had just finished serving as the Deputy Speaker of the Students Representative Congress (SRC). The following year, I took a plunge and contested for the post of President of the...

6 Essential Questions to Ask Before Making Your Next Investment

6 Essential Questions to Ask Before Making Your Next Investment

Many years ago, I rubbed minds with a budding entrepreneur who wanted some investment advice. This entrepreneur was trying to decide between investing one million naira in a transportation business (with a projected monthly return of about 100,000 naira to 120,000 naira at the time) and investing...

Authentic Leadership: Paving the Way for Others to Shine

Authentic Leadership: Paving the Way for Others to Shine

I wanted to break the good news to him. He was my professional mentor and I knew he would be glad to hear the news. I had just picked up my offer and I had levelled up with him.  I didn't even think about it when I called him. His response was what I expected and even more. He burst into...

Don’t Let a Miss Define You. Even the Best Players Miss Goals

Don’t Let a Miss Define You. Even the Best Players Miss Goals

At Mexico 70, Pele was at his best, but he infamously missed a goal after literarily dribbling and undressing the keeper during the semi-final match against Uruguay.  Roberto Baggio still remains one of Italy's best players, but during USA 94, he missed the very last penalty during the final...

Money Reveals Your True Character

Money Reveals Your True Character

I once had a driver who had a big ego. Many usually thought he was the owner of the car because I sit in front, on the passenger's seat. You'll never catch me sitting at the 'owner's corner'—a habit I picked up during my Standard Trust Bank days. Many times, we've had policemen stop us, and they...

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