The Leadership Template of Jesus
On my way to work on June 29, 2021, I reflected on how Jesus chose his 12 disciples. Knowing full well He had an uncommon assignment which also depended to a very large extent on the team He chose, I believe so much went into choosing that first team. He had to carefully lay the foundation because...

Maximize Your Limited Time to Achieve Your Goals
You won't have all the time in the world to do everything you want to do. I met a colleague on a beautiful Friday morning in February 2022 and in the course of our conversation, he reminded me of something I told him a few years earlier. At that time, he had wondered aloud how I was able to cope...

Bruce Lee: Lessons on Discipline and Clarity of Purpose from a Childhood Hero
One of the best movies I saw during my childhood was Fists of Fury starring Bruce Lee. That was circa 1985 and my dad had just bought a Video Cassette Recorder. I recall that he was the first to buy one in our neighbourhood and we used to have many people visit to watch movies on video cassettes....

How Acting on a Stupid Idea Can Create Your Biggest Breakthrough
Whatever you see around you started in someone's mind as an idea. Every product or service started as an idea. One idea that is well thought out and clinically executed can guarantee your breakthrough. That's the breakthrough idea. Four guys sat outside a gate at a time of national crisis. Things...

How My Wife Changed My Personal Finance Habits
‘The goal in marriage is not to think alike but to think together’ — Robert C. Dodds Before I got married, I could buy tomorrow on credit. As a young banker then, there were many temptations to live large. I had access to credit facilities by virtue of where I worked. Many peddlers of...

God Is Not through with You Yet
I love the Bible. It's a very real, practical and down-to-earth book. Very relatable. It doesn't gloss over the characters' foibles. It shows us that the characters struggle just like we do. Sarah's jealousy was never hidden. She was a very strong character who was overbearing and a nag. If you're...

Do You Want to Attract Help? Demonstrate Your Capacity to Maximise It
On my way from church on October 22, 2023, I observed a man from whom I always bought newspapers every Sunday in Lagos some years back. I always saw him at a particular traffic point and he knew the newspaper I preferred. I continued to patronise him even when I had read all the news online. I...

A Lesson on Contentment from an Uber Ride
Sometime in December 2022, I booked a ride, and the guy who picked me up was from Bangladesh. I usually love to engage in chit chat whenever I hail a cab, but this particular guy was an extremely pleasant fellow. He was delighted to know I am Nigerian, and we discussed football, culture, food, and...

As You Build Yourself, Build Others
Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do. One Sunday evening in January 2023, I went to the barbershop to get a haircut in preparation for the week—it's a weekly routine for me. As I stepped into the salon and greeted the people I met...

Dear Nigerian Youth: No One Owes You Anything
One Saturday in March 2022, I went to a gas station to buy some diesel. I had checked almost five filling stations before I finally got one that had the product. However, the queue for diesel was quite long. I got out of my car, brought out my kegs, as we call them, and put them in the long and...