by Bayo Adeyinka | May 21, 2021 | Business and Career, Life Lessons, Tips and Insights
Who do you allow to lead a country- a man who is an economic wizard and has been trained at the most prestigious universities but with very insignificant interpersonal skills and other soft skills or a man who is average in intellect but has outstanding interpersonal...
by Bayo Adeyinka | May 18, 2021 | Business and Career, General, Life Lessons, Tips and Insights
The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does”- Anonymous Your career will end one day, regardless of how lucrative it is. You can quit, you can retire, or you can be fired. I’ve seen exceptional talents being asked to leave...
by Bayo Adeyinka | Feb 17, 2021 | Business and Career, Tips and Insights
Just look around you in Nigeria, for example. 20 years ago, the ATM machine was a novelty. No bank issued debit cards — maybe just the foreign ones. There were no banking apps. You couldn’t transfer funds the way we do now. It took seven days for your...
by Bayo Adeyinka | Feb 12, 2021 | Business and Career, Life Lessons, Tips and Insights
Sometime last year, a sow on my farm gave birth to many piglets but refused to give them suck. We tried all we could but the piglets died one after the other. It was a very traumatic experience losing all the piglets within a few days. I belong to a piggery group on...
by Bayo Adeyinka | Feb 12, 2021 | Business and Career, Letters, Life Lessons, Tips and Insights
Dear Team, It’s been my first week with the team and what a week it has been. We had a fantastic strategy session and people gave commitments with boldness. And some are making it good already. But quite a number are nowhere near their commitments. Fortunately,...
by Bayo Adeyinka | Jan 29, 2021 | Business and Career, Tips and Insights
I was at a courier company on Saturday to send out a parcel to Abuja. This courier company actually started out as a transport company with buses going to different destinations in Nigeria. Over time, people sent parcels through the drivers to different destinations....