Kunle was brilliant and exceptionally so. Anytime he had a crisis, I would sit beside him crying as he winced in pain. There was a day I prayed to take on half of the pain he went through. He was always in and out of the hospital. He never could do what other normal kids did. There were many sleepless nights as my parents took turns to attend to him. He was preparing for his SSCE when he had a crisis and died at 17. He was my brother.

Bisi was beautiful. I still remember how curly her hair was while growing up. She had dimples. She took my dad’s complexion. Something was different about her because she was always sickly. She had a crisis and died when she was five years.

Bidemi’s birth was full of drama. My dad travelled and mum was in the living room when she went into labour. She gave birth right there on the couch in the living room. The three years she spent on earth was punctuated by pain. Numerous hospital visits. Huge bills. Trauma.

Bisi died first, followed by Bidemi and then Kunle. All of them were my siblings so this is an eyewitness account. I was a witness to the pains they went through. I experienced the trauma my parents passed through. I will never pray for my worst enemy to go through that situation.

Love is not a strong enough excuse for anyone to put the future of their children at risk. Share on X

So growing up, my mum always screamed into my ears, “Before you bring any lady home, check her genotype”. One could excuse the mistakes of the past because of their limited education and exposure but there is no excuse for anyone to wallow in ignorance today.

Love is not a strong enough excuse for anyone to put the future of their children at risk. Love does not think of itself only. Love is not selfish. If you claim you have faith for yourself, will you also have faith for your kids? The best kind of faith is responsible faith.

Before you commit to that relationship, check your genotype. Don’t bring your kids into a world of avoidable pain.

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