We had a deadline. An impossible one. Turn around the branch in 30 days or get fired. The countdown had started. I was a Team Lead and I saw the pains in the eyes of my Branch Manager.

We had to do all we could to meet the deadline. We ran all over town, trying to pull the chest out of the fire. Nothing seemed to work.

I came to church that Sunday feeling very drained. I was tired and had given up. Will my career end this way? We had a Guest Minister that Sunday-a popular architect who also has a church in Ibadan. After the service, he went into our Pastor’s office and I requested to see him.

I just wanted someone who could pray with me. I entered the office and he asked me to sit down. I poured my heart to him-almost breaking down in tears. He listened to me without any interruption-his eyes very piercing as if he was looking at my soul.

After I finished, he said, ‘Bro Bayo, God said you should sow a seed to break the siege’. I wasn’t sure I heard right. Sow a seed? When I wasn’t sure I will have a job by month end?

I was expecting he will ask me to kneel down, pour oil on my head, lay his hands (and possibly his legs) and pray for me. He just stared at me and said, ‘Sow a seed to break the siege’. He didn’t even offer to pray for me.

I left that office disappointed and angry. Very angry. I left for home. However, those words kept haunting me. Sow a seed to break the siege. ‘What’s the big deal about sowing a seed’, I thought to myself. Even if I refuse to sow this seed, won’t the money finish? Will it last?

Finally, I decided to obey after discussing it with my wife. I took the equivalent of a month’s salary and gave it to God as a seed. That was my savings that I gave as a seed. It was a painful giving. That’s the kind that is described as sacrificial.

Two things happened that same month. Both are miracles as I can’t logically explain how they happened. The first was that the branch broke even that month. We made a paltry profit and that saved everyone’s job. The second was that I got another offer of employment within 30 days.

I learnt a great lesson. Prayer doesn’t solve all problems. Obedience might just be the key to a long-awaited miracle. And giving is very potent. You can’t go wrong giving.

When I started my career in 2000, a missionary used to visit our Agodi Branch. He served under a ministry called Full Stature at that time. I had an inspiration to support him with Bibles. Every month after my salary was paid, I would go to Dugbe to buy 20 Bibles and put them in a carton.

You can never go wrong by being consistent in giving. It may not stop challenges or problems from surfacing in your life but it sure guarantees that help will come when you need it the most. Share on X

He had a specific day when he picked up those Bibles from me. I did that for many years. I also did the same in my local church. There was a certain time I was in trouble, I reminded God about my commitment to kingdom advancement.

I remember telling Him clearly, ‘God, if I lose this job, no more Bibles’. He kept me. Jehovah kept me.

I can share numerous examples but I don’t want to make this too long. Plug yourself to the Greatest Power in the Universe-God Almighty. One good way to do this is by giving. Giving to the Lord and giving to people. This is one of the secrets of longevity in anything.

This is why I do some of the things I do. Don’t splurge all your income on yourself alone. If you earn a salary, dedicate a portion to giving to others.

For me, it’s God first — I believe in tithing. But I believe in even doing more. Give to a higher cause you believe in. Pay someone’s school fees. Give to an orphanage. Help someone who can’t do anything for you in return. Let it be consistent and not one-off.

Inculcate it and let it be a part of your life. We have seen this principle at work in the lives of many great men. Until you live for others, you have not truly lived. If you give to the poor, you’re lending to the Lord. And the Lord owes no man.

Giving doesn’t bring an end to your challenges or stop problems from coming. It just guarantees that help will also show up for you in trouble.

Ecclesisates 11:1 (TLB)- “Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. Divide your gifts among many, for in the days ahead, you yourself may need much help”.

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