
The Law of the Lift

Making money is like weightlifting. With every financial obligation met, money becomes easier to make. It’s the same with almost anything in life—goals, career—you name it. 

Any object in life at first seems so big until you tackle and overcome it. The moment you hit that mark, it becomes almost insignificant to you as you begin to aim for something higher. 



Making money is like weightlifting. With every financial obligation met, money becomes easier to make. It’s the same with almost anything in life—goals, career—you name it. Share on X


That is why initially, a salary of ₦50,000 monthly might seem like a very big deal to someone who has never received it before but once he starts to receive it for a few months, he/she sets his/her eyes above and beyond the current level. 

They now have a self-belief that they can do better. All of a sudden, the ₦50,000 doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore. At times, the person wonders why he/she ever thought that ₦50,000 was a big deal. 

Also, when you start to lift weights at the gym, you’re often asked by the instructor to start with lighter weights. Lifting heavy weights at the beginning may injure you. You’ll also be discouraged if you start with the heavyweights because you’ll think you’ll never be able to carry them.

Gym instructors will ask you to start small and then increase the weights progressively. Once you have conquered a certain weight, you move to the next one. 


There are 2 major corollaries of this law of the lift:

1.  Every weight seems heavy to the one who has not lifted one before.

This is why many seem content with their lives and never aspire for more. They are comfortable with the status quo because the next level seems improbable to them. 

They will rather not even make any effort because they wrongly assume that the weights are heavier than they can lift. 




2.  The more you lift, the more you can lift.

When you add weights progressively, you are building the capacity even to lift more. Your potential is converted to kinetic. When you keep setting goals and meeting them, the more you can set even bigger goals as you now have the capacity to meet them. Build a house and suddenly you believe you can actually build a bigger one or even two. You have forgotten the stress it took you to achieve the first.

There was a time when I used to be scared when certain figures were mentioned but now I understand figures are just numbers. Any amount of money is just a number. The same with targets and goals. 

The way to end big is to start small and then grow progressively. You can’t start from the heaviest weight, just like the person swimming cannot start from the deepest end of the swimming pool. You cannot truncate the growth process. 

Build capacity. Grow. Keep working at it. As you obey the law of the lift, your lifting is certain.

The way to end big is to start small and then grow progressively. Share on X

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