Today, I got a letter via WhatsApp. The way I grinned, one would have taught it was more than a letter. To me, it’s actually more than a letter. Here’s why.
I met this estate agent a while ago. Young, dynamic, and versatile, he made a good impression on me from the moment I saw him. I referred his services to someone I know who needed to buy a property. He swung into action and the deal was consummated a short while ago. What he did today was to send me a personal note thanking me for the referral.
And here’s where many salespeople miss the point. The moment they make a sale, they move on to the next prospect. Most do not take a moment to appreciate those who helped them make that sale. Unfortunately, they miss a golden opportunity because a person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected.
I recall the story of the 10 lepers in the Bible who were healed. Only one came to extend some appreciation to the Master Healer, Jesus Christ. The statement the Lord made shows that even the Son of the Most High recognizes a heart of gratitude when he sees one.
The greatest way to reach any human being is to connect with their emotions, and a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. Share on X“Were there not ten men cleansed? But where are the nine?” The greatest way to reach any human being is to connect with their emotions, and a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
A salesman or anyone for that matter who appreciates a previous sale or a referral will be outstanding simply because most people never care to say ‘thank you’.
The secret to getting more sales may not necessarily be in looking for more prospects. You may be able to unlock more sales simply by looking back to those who helped you and sending a note of appreciation to them. Buy them a small gift. Call them to say ‘thank you’.
I tell my daughter that when someone shows you a favour, you thank the person more than once. “Once is never enough” is my policy.
Listen to the words of Robert Louis Stevenson: “Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.”
The norm is that many people won’t remember you until they need something from you. I consider this a sense of entitlement and what separates entitlement from privilege is gratitude, according to Brene Brown.
Business people should cultivate this habit of showing appreciation. Don’t wait until Christmas when everyone is sending cards or a token to do yours. The waiting period would have diluted the strength of your appreciation. Strike when the iron is hot.
“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi
I appreciate the thoughtfulness of Mr Emmanuel Akingbola of Hanuel Homes. I am neither expecting a single dime from him nor will I take anything. I am just impressed with his sound business practices and most especially the letter of appreciation I received today.
“No duty is more urgent than giving thanks.” – James Allen