Lessons I Learnt From Dr Ubong King

If You Do Not Defend Your Market and Take Over, Then Your Market Will Become The Market Others Will Share

Dr Ubong King was our Guest Speaker during the month of March at our Directorate Retreat and he spoke on our theme Audacious.

The hall was quiet as he dropped the wisdom keys during a very intense session. I’ve been mulling over his words since I learnt of his demise and I just want to reminisce on the words of a man who has now joined the saints triumphant.

Here are some take-aways:

1. The success of any institution lies in its process.

2. Business is war. If you do not defend and take over the market, then your market will become the market others will share.

3. Your strength is hidden in your confidence.

4. Target leads to direction which leads to association and not association to direction to target.

5. What you eat and continue to eat will end up eating you up.

6. The business triangle is customers, business and opportunity.

7. Once your name enters the bedroom, approval is waiting in the boardroom.

8. Use the submit strategy to dominate relationships.

9. Ethical bribes break defenses. Free suya always hooks the taster. What hook can you give?

And he taught us how to handle the STRANGER. The stranger is your customer or a prospect that you really don’t know.

Get nine lessons from Dr Ubong King plus ten practical insights on how to handle the 'STRANGER' Share on X

A few things about the STRANGER:

1. Investigate and celebrate the stranger’s old victories madly. This will make them feel a sense of accomplishment. You fan his flame of happy memories.

2. You don’t build partners in your office.

3. Never share the stranger’s contacts because you have it. You will irritate the stranger and the trust level may die.

4. Protect the weakness of the stranger if you know it. Every king you meet has a weakness.

5. Strangers are surrounded by gates. Find the gatekeepers who manage the gates to give you access to the stranger.

6. If you destroy the reputation of the stranger, you destroy the relationship and it’s opportunity with it.

7. Don’t waste time with the wrong strangers in your life.

8. You don’t want to offend the wrong stranger, ensure you understand boundaries and respect them.

9. A king is not looking for your hard skill. He’s looking for your soft skills.

10. Strangers respect good timekeepers.

Rest In Peace, Dr Ubong King. I will never forget you.

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