You won’t have all the time in the world to do everything you want to do.

I met a colleague on a beautiful Friday morning in February 2022 and in the course of our conversation, he reminded me of something I told him a few years earlier. At that time, he had wondered aloud how I was able to cope with my schedule.

I was running a course at Police College, Ikeja and also running a master’s programme. My weekends were all taken up. I was up till 2am most nights listening to lectures and working on my thesis.

He reminded me of my response to him then: “You won’t have all the time in the world to do everything you want to do. So maximize your time. Do as much as you can, and don’t give up, even when you’re tempted to. You have immense capacity that you don’t even know you have.”

Overwhelmed with a busy schedule? Learn to maximize your time, push through and finish strong. The prize is only for finishers! Share on X

I didn’t even know that he had started a PhD programme and abandoned it after a year. His schedule as a banker was gruelling to say the least. He felt he couldn’t cope. But after I spoke to him that day, he wrote to the university and decided to pick up from where he stopped.

I was excited when he informed me that he had finally completed the programme and is now a Doctor of Philosophy. His tenacity paid off.

No matter how pressed you are, don’t give up. Keep pressing till you finish. Don’t abandon what you started. The prize is only for finishers and not for quitters. You’ll finish well.

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