How Reading Helped My Career

In 2013, a joint venture Israeli/South African company was looking to make a foray into Nigeria. They wanted to set up an outlet in Lagos after conducting their feasibility studies and they needed a Nigerian financial institution to partner with.

Somehow, I was given their contacts and we agreed to meet with our teams from both sides at Victoria Island. 

I got my team together–about 8 of them–people in e-business, IT and other units that I know would have one thing or the other to do with this company.

I wanted to conclude in just one meeting. As the South African MD and his Israeli partner walked into my office where we were all seated and I stood up to exchange pleasantries with both of them, his eye went to the book on my table. ‘Oh, you’re reading Tipping Point?’, he asked.

I was reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell that week and I had the book on my desk in the office. I usually have the books I’m reading either in my car or on my desk. I replied in the affirmative.

He asked for other books of Malcolm Gladwell that I’ve read and I mentioned Outliers: The Story of Success and What The Dog Saw. He asked for my best among the books and I mentioned Outliers. His best was The Tipping Point.

As we discussed while standing, every other person looked on. No one joined our discussion because none had even read the books nor heard of Malcolm Gladwell. Finally, the South African slammed his palm on my table and said loudly, ‘I will open my account with this bank.’

That was how the account relationship was secured. Not by a convincing sales pitch or amazing presentation but by the power of the written word that connected two minds.

A good book can stretch a mind so much so that the mind will never regain its initial shape. Reading is transformational. Share on X

The more you read, the more you will know. Books open up our minds in a way nothing else can. A good book can stretch a mind so much so that the mind will never regain its initial shape. Reading is transformational.

You can get so much exposure and deep insight that even millions of dollars cannot give–just by reading.

So, what’s your reading plan for the year? How many books will you read this year? How much investment will go into your mind? I usually tell people that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. What some people carry on their head is more expensive than what is in their mind.

Make up your mind to read good books this year. Read biographies. That’s the wisdom of an entire life packed in just one book. Read good inspirational and motivational books. We all need doses of inspiration from time to time.

Read up on finances. It will sharpen your analytical skills. Read books about your core area of competence and purpose. It will broaden your horizon. Read books on areas where you want to improve. The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Read very good novels to improve your communication skills. You can’t rise beyond your level of communication. Read newspapers. You will stay current and refreshed. Read up articles of some columnists. Even if you disagree with their opinion, it gives you another world view.

Reading has helped my career even beyond the wisdom and information packed in books. I’ve made great friends, acquaintances and even business relationships through books.

What’s your excuse for not reading? Some people claim they don’t have time. But they have time to post pictures on social media and even contribute to several humongous groups on social media. You can read in the toilet. I do. That’s one of the best places to read. Read a chapter before you go to bed. Read when you’re in public transport. There are e-books. Read on your phone. Read on weekends. Slot in an audio book while doing the dishes or washing. Listen to an audio book while driving or exercising.

Reading can enrich your life in many other ways beyond the wisdom and information packed in books. Share on X

Go get yourself a book today.

Proverbs 3:13-14: Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

Thinking of a book? Start your year with 30 Career Lessons I Learnt Along The Way–one of Roving Heights’ bestselling books of 2020. Reach out to Roving Heights to get a copy delivered to you.

1 thought on “How Reading Helped My Career”

  1. A very good one sir,

    Malcolm is a brilliant author and readers of his books would always find some things to share about his works. You should consider reading Blink too, from the same author.

    Thank you for all you have been doing through your posts, here and on Twitter. Those words are constantly helping on a regular basis.

    Happy New Year once again.

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