In the first part of this article, we explored the Ten Commandments of Business and Finance. We discussed important principles like adding value, embracing mentorship, and the power of relationships, among others.
In this follow-up, we will take a closer look at the first commandment and share some other important insights about money.
Thou shall understand that God does not give money.
God does not give money. Instead, He gives power or ability. (Deuteronomy 8:18). Power means ideas, concepts, or innovations. Stop praying for money.
You can be a God-fearing person, but if you don’t understand the principles that guarantee financial freedom, you’ll live in penury. You can be spiritually intelligent but financially ignorant.
Poverty does not respond to prayers alone. You cannot pray yourself out of poverty. Success in business is not even determined by how long you spend in church; otherwise, we will have more Christian millionaires and billionaires in the church.
You can be a God-fearing person, but if you don't understand the principles that guarantee financial freedom, you'll live in penury. You can be spiritually intelligent but financially ignorant. Share on XLet’s look at 2 Kings 4:2. Two questions were asked in this Bible verse:
1. What shall I do for you?
2. What do you have in the house?
You must answer these two questions successfully if you’re going to be fulfilled and live out your God-given purpose.
These questions reveal the two major ways by which God operates: miracles and principles. “What shall I do for you?” is about miracles, while “What do you have in the house?” points to principles.
Principles are universal. They work for anyone, regardless of belief, faith, gender, or location. God is not a respecter of persons; He is a respecter of principles. Therefore, even if an atheist applies these principles, they will work for him. God does not violate His principles.
If you believe in miracles alone and ignore principles, your results will be poor. No amount of miracles can change your destiny if you ignore certain principles. No matter how many people lay hands on you from now till eternity, if you’re lazy, you can’t prosper.
No matter how many prayer meetings you attend, if you don’t increase your capacity, you’ll remain stagnant.
Let’s consider six important insights about money.
1. God does not give money.
God does not give wealth or money directly—He gives power, ideas, concepts, and the know-how to obtain money. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
2. Money is neither good nor evil.
Money is neither good nor evil. It’s the use to which you put it that matters. (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is like fire or water—fire can burn but it can also cook; water can clean, but it can also drown. Money is a good servant but a bad master.
If you believe in miracles alone and ignore principles, your results will be poor. No matter how many people lay hands on you from now till eternity, if you're lazy, you can't prosper. Share on X3. Money is a reward for exchange or transfer of value.
To earn money, you must provide value. You must do something. (Proverbs 14:23). When you give your time on a job, you earn a salary at the end of the month. When you apply your skills to solve a problem, you are rewarded monetarily. When you work on an idea and execute it effectively, you are rewarded financially.
4. How you obtain wealth matters.
Wealth that is not the result of hard work and integrity will not be permanent. (Proverbs 13:11)
Nothing fraudulent lasts because the fraudster does not understand the principles of financial management.
5. You can’t take money with you, but you can shape your eternity with it.
Beyond the temporal value of money, the way you use it and relate to it can have eternal significance. (Matthew 6:19-21)
6. Money amplifies your wisdom and gives you influence.
Money can give you a voice. (Ecclesiastes 9:14-16).
Very inspiring message
God bless you Bayo for this succinct write up. May the Lord almighty continue to increase your wisdom in Jesus name. Amen