I was at a meeting many years ago. It was a gathering hosted by Prophet Kayode Abiara. In attendance that day was Bishop Francis Wale-Oke and the late Pastor Folahan. The guest minister was the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

It was the introduction of the late Archbishop that caught my attention and I’ve not forgotten how he was introduced that night. Prophet Abiara said he was invited to Benin for lunch with the Archbishop.

All of them sat at the table and as they ate, he observed that the Archbishop ate only chicken feet. It was a sumptuous lunch with all manner of delicacies but the Archbishop only took chicken feet alongside his rice meal. Prophet Abiara said he couldn’t hold it anymore and he had to ask Archbishop Idahosa why he avoided other chicken parts. He said his answer that day kept him ruminating what manner of man he was.

We must never forget where we came from and what God has brought us through. It is a true sign of gratitude. Share on X

The Archbishop responded by telling all those at the table that when he was growing up, his family only ate chicken at Christmas. That was once a year. And then, as the last born of the house, what got to him was the chicken feet. So, in order not to forget where he came from, he made it a habit to eat chicken feet regularly.

We must never forget where we came from and what God has brought us through. It is a true sign of gratitude. And this is why I want to sincerely appreciate those who were touched by the story I shared and decided to also contribute their money to the ‘jobseekers fund’.

At the last count, we had 14 people (across Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) send a total amount of N162,000 (One hundred and sixty-two thousand Naira). Almost all of them would like to remain anonymous but you’re not anonymous to God.

Many thanks to everyone that contributed to the job seekers' fund. May the Lord grant your heart's desires and may you never be stranded in life. Share on X

I was almost moved to tears when someone who is looking for a job also donated. Nigerians are indeed selfless and wonderful people. May the Lord grant you all your hearts desires. And may you never be stranded in life.

So far, 14 people have benefited from this initiative and have received either cash for transport or data. Unfortunately, some tried to game the process. One sent in fictitious interview screenshots. I did a quick background check on another guy just by looking at his tweets and saw he was heavily into betting. If you can get money to bet regularly, you should be able to afford data for an online interview.

So, the process continues until we exhaust available funds. If you need data for online interviews or fare to attend an interview, reach out but please take note of the conditions.


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