This isn’t what you’re thinking. 🙄 Stay with me.
On February 11, 2020, I sat in a performance review session with two colleagues who had recently joined our team. I often hold one-on-one meetings with new hires to help them settle in, set clear expectations, and gather feedback.
As we reviewed their reports, I asked about their biggest challenges. One of them, new to sales, shared her struggle: she was hearing “no” far more often than “yes.”
I decided to teach her something that has been a game-changer in my sales journey—the Law of Tithes.
Every "no" brings you one step closer to a "yes." If you want better results, make more attempts. Share on XI asked if she was familiar with the concept of tithing, and she nodded. “It’s giving ten percent of your income,” she said.
“Exactly,” I replied. “That’s one out of ten.”
I went on to explain that in sales, the Law of Tithes means that for every customer you land, you likely need to speak to ten. If you want two clients, start with a pool of twenty. To close three deals, aim for thirty prospects. The more people you reach out to, the higher your chances of success.
This principle has been my guiding light in sales. I always expect at least one “yes” from every ten prospects. If I get more, it’s a bonus. If I want more positive responses, I have to widen my reach.
But this law doesn’t just apply to sales—it applies to everything we do in life.
The more doors you knock on, the more opportunities open up for you. The fewer you knock, the fewer that open. If you want to succeed, start knocking on more doors.
You can’t control every outcome, but you can control how many chances you take. One yes out of ten tries. That’s the rule. Don’t let a few rejections stop you from your next win! Share on XMaster the Laws of Life
The Law of Preparation is just one of the laws I covered in The 21 Laws of Life, a book that distills hard-earned wisdom into actionable insights. If you found this post valuable, imagine what learning all the 21 laws can do for you!
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