When I got the message this morning, I screamed in disbelief. I tried your two lines and they were unreachable. It was when I reached your wife that the truth of the finality of this tragedy hit me.

My boss, you came like a meteor and left on the wings of a chariot. In just a short phase, your footprint was everywhere. Your voice rose above the cacophony of other echoes, blazing forth inspiration and speaking illumination.

You were a light that could not be hidden. You shine till we all acknowledged the gift that you were.

I will never forget when I contacted you to speak at our retreat earlier this year. Your words still ring in my ears.

You lit up a fire that day that is still raging in our hearts. Then, you did something that day that I will never forget. You shot a video for my wife to thank her.

That gesture showed a man that is human and humane- and that started a relationship that I cherished as long as you lived and will endure for as long as I will live. I leveraged on this relationship and you did an Instagram live interview with me at very short notice.

You went further and introduced me to your wife. You actually loved me like your family. I remember when you read my article on my escape from robbers and you called me. You thought it was a recent event. I recall our many discussions- each one always leaving me fired up.

Why did you go on Boxing Day? I think I know why. You were a gift sent to us from heaven and heaven took you back. You were fully unwrapped for us and now wrapped back to your Maker. It gladdens my heart that you knew Him.

Your passing is shocking to me. I don’t know how Aunty Ivy and the children will cope but we are grateful that you touched the lives of everyone who came across you.

Dr Ubong King, you were a gift sent to us from heaven and heaven took you back. You were fully unwrapped for us and now wrapped back to your Maker. It gladdens my heart that you knew Him. Share on X

Swing low, sweet chariot, has come to carry you home.

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